Month: June 2013

  • BLOOMBERG to WAR with Xanga??


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    Funny how our unbeloved Mayor-for-Life has magically shut down another site of mine because i only believe he’s the alpha and omega when it comes to being a SCHMUCKwtf
    ATTENTION John Hitler & the MEologianCHARGE “angry bear” Bloomberg a billion dollars to take my name off of here…if not, y’all blowing a chance in a lifetimesmooch

  • Malcolm X was an Uncle Tom!


    Y’all ever notice i never used the term Uncle Tom…and ever wondered WHYconfused

    i read Uncle Tom’s Cabin when i was a chile, and methinks Malcolm saw the blackface movie version of the book that freed the slaves…but having just recently finished re-reading Ms Stowes book, it’s obvious that Malcolm never read the book as an adult.

    Great Expectations is mind-bending at seven, romantic at 13, revolutionary at 20…simply a nice story when the calendar say your age is the suggested safe speed limit…YUP, i’m broadcasting from the old fart zone.

    Like Malcolm and Martin, Uncle Tom was the epitome of Black men…a man steeped in his faith, unwilling to sell his brethren down the river to Simon Legree’s Sambo…read the book, a plea i know that will never happen since y’all waiting for the HEologian version